Feb 27, 2021
Jesse Romero (Virgin Most Powerful Radio) joins us to discuss...
This one, should scare the hell out of you
AID - Another well-formed cleric
Jesse rides again...
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Feb 20, 2021
Teresa Dinwiddie-Hermann (Concerned Catholics of Cincinnati) joins us to discuss...
If only we were better Catholics
AID - Is a "Loch" out enough?
Concerned Catholics of Cincinnati
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Feb 13, 2021
Quinn Hebert (Society of St. Peter Damian/X-Seminarian) joins us to discuss...
What's going on in Lafayette, the birthplace of the scandal
AID - Why is JD Flynn carrying water for the Bishops
The Society of St. Peter Damian
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com
Feb 6, 2021
Paul & Kris discuss...
It just never ends
AID - Loopholes for adultery
How did we get here
website: TheAngryCatholic.com
e-mail: mail@TheAngryCatholic.com